Miracles happen.
Yes, that is the Truth, and I can speak from my own experience. I just restored my eye vision. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? During a recent 14 day detox, while driving my car I felt a pulling sensation in my eyes. As if a veil that was pulled over my eyes was ripping, and all of sudden my vision got clearer. I was able to see the trees sharp again as well as the street signs. This seems unbelievable but yes, that is what fasting can do. The body has the ability to heal itself. So does the mind, and so does the spirit. It is possible to reverse almost any condition you may have. Whether you suffer from cancer, arthritis, lyme disease, heartbreak, depression, anxiety or financial stress. Or whether you feel confused, lost, tired or resigned. With deep commitment, a clear vision, powerful tools and the right guidance, ANYTHING CAN BE TRANSFORMED. As my eye vision unclouded, simultaneously I became aware of the vision for my future. Clearer than ever. Laser sharp. Eye vision is clearly related to the vision of our life. What is your vision? How do you see yourself? Where do you see yourself living and with whom? What sparks your passion? What is your greatest contribution to this world? You have a unique kind of magic that no one else on this planet has. The world needs your magic right now. The world is willing to co-create with you. The world wants you live your vision. All it takes to be silent and listen profoundly. Your magic will crystallize. When you listen to your deepest desires, When you dig deep into your truth, When you navigate your inner terrain, When you skillfully surf through the waves of your shadow, When you live from your heart When you are unapologetically YOU, You in your fullest embodiment When you show up rising above your challenges, Again and again and again... That's when you get into the holy flow, And That’s where miracles happen… Your light will then show others what’s possible. Shine on, you precious diamond, I see you, You know who you are. With Love, Sabina